AI for Social Impact
Our exploration into AI has strengthened our belief that technology can revolutionize how we think about grants. We envision a future where trust-based relationships between funders and grantees are at the forefront, with AI as a facilitator, leading to scalable impact.
Joanna Drew participated in a panel "What AI Means to Nonprofits in 2024" through NXUnite, sharing her insights on how AI will impact grant writing, and the social sector more broadly in 2024 and beyond.
As featured in the Center for Effective Philanthropy, this article, co-authored by Joanna Drew, explores philanthropy's responsibility to thoughtfully address one of the biggest challenges that we will face in the history of the social sector: responsible AI development and adoption.
With her techno-optimistic perspective, Joanna encourages listeners to embrace curiosity over fear and actively participate in shaping the future of AI development and utilization. She envisions a future where responsible AI adoption leads to a more equitable distribution of resources and fosters authentic human connections within the philanthropic ecosystem.
Joanna presented “AI Essentials for Small Businesses: Fundraising & Grant Writing” at ConnectUP! Institute’s AI Mini Summit in St. Paul, MN. She discussed how AI tools can help create efficiencies in fundraising so founders can spend more time working “in” the business rather than “on” the business.
Joanna presented "AI in the Social Sector" at the Lutheran Grantmakers Conference in Milwaukee, WI. She emphasized the importance of responsible and ethical AI adoption and the "human in the loop". She also showcased case studies of how AI is being used by nonprofits and foundations to optimize workflows, increase efficiency, and enhance impact.